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Dew Blossom Red Rose Oil Painting

Dew Blossom Red Rose Oil Painting

PriceFrom $289.00

Oil paintings are considered sophisticated valuable by most artists, art exhibitors, and art collectors all over the world.  We offer different quality levels of paintings and the price is subject to the quality you need. The price listed on our online store is for top quality level reproduction (20x24 inches) which is also the most popular quality level among our clients. If you are interested in other quality levels, such as museum quality, high quality, medium quality or commercial quality, please contact us for more information.  Paintings are a form of visual art that captures the expression of ideas and emotion on a two-dimensional surface.  Artists use the elements of shape, colors, line, tones, and textures in unique ways to produce paintings that convey sensations of movement, volume, space, and light--- traditionally on a flat surface. Our Photo To Painting can have up to 10 persons, animals or pets per portrait.  Our talented artists can turn any photo / digital design / idea into some of the hottest art catergories like Modern Canvas Art, Decorative Art, Palette Knife, Landscape, Floral Paintings, 3D Animal Art, and Canvas Art Sets. We can reproduce any artist's work, in any size and different quality levels such as museum quality, top quality, high quality and commercial quality. We're the best in Oil Painting Reproductions, Custom Art / Family Portraits!!

  • Order Info / Return / Shipping Policy


    The following are steps in ordering handmade oil paintings: Customer place specific custom order, we arrange orders, follow-up with the artist, quality control, photos are emailed to the customer for visual approval, packing, and arrange shipment.  Decorate your home or office with our hand-painted artwork shipped to your door directly from our studio.



    After the drying process, photos of the finished painting will be emailed to the customer for visual approval.  Any quality problem is available to be solved.  We always warranty the quality and you have two choices to solve the quality problem.  Refund money back or replace with new paintings.  Our goal is to meet customers' needs with an affordable price, the best quality, fast delivery and guaranteed after-sale experience! 



    For unframed paintings, we will roll up in a tube and ship by DHL, FedEx, TNT or UPS.  Please allow up to 2 weeks for delivery.  And for framed paintings, we usually ship by EMS in order to save on your shipping cost because other couriers charge a lot for framed artworks. EMS takes longer, which may take 10 business days.

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